Friday, April 12, 2013

How To Select Effective Recruitment Agency?

Recruitment is the part of acquisition function. This activity makes possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization. Recruiting is the discovering of potential candidates for actual and anticipated organizational vacancies. From another prospective it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.
Every Human has the potential to be great so, the ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified candidates who will take the job, if it is should also provide information so that un qualified candidates can self-select themselves out of job candidacy; that is a good recruiting program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified. This dual objective will minimize the cost of processing unqualified candidates. We can’t leave our lives for circumstances.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and simulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. Also, it is the process of encouraging qualified people to make application for employment with a firm. It can also be viewed in the sense of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen.
Selection function starts after the recruitment of potential candidates. It is the process of choosing qualified people for a particular post from the various applicants. It is based on choosing right people in the right place or job so that anyone can never let put you down. Selection activities predict which job applicant will be successful if hired.
Methods of recruitment
1.      Job posting method: It is common method of finding applicants. The purpose of job posting is to inform current employees, who are qualified and interested. In job posting: position, location, salary scale and qualifications are described.
2.      Human Resource inventory search method: It contains data about each employee skills, ability, education, work performance, and other information which indicates his/her overall value to the organization. With the help of this information, organization can find out the potential candidates.
3.      Advertising method: It is most commonly and widely accepted method of recruitment. Advertising media can be print (newspapers, magazines, trade journal) visual (bill board, posters, and brochure) and audio-visual (radio, TV, and cinema).
4.      Internet search method: It is direct method of recruitment. All the bio data of job seekers are maintained in internet and such data base becomes a method of recruiting potential candidates.
5.      Employee referrals method: In this method, existing employees or manager suggested and recommend the potential candidates from outside the organization. Potential candidates may be existing employee’s friends and relatives.
The selection process starts with the selection test. After preliminary test, HR department conduct the selection test for the qualified candidates, who are passed out from the preliminary test. Such tests are used as an aid in screening the based qualified candidates. Selection tests are widely used for judging the applicants suitability for the job. Selection test have the following objectives or purposes:
1.      Predict future performance
2.      Unbiased tool
3.      Measures the aptitude
4.      Basis for comparison/ comparing applicants ability 

Types of selection tests
i)        Ability test:
Aptitude test: aptitude for the job, learning capacity of the candidates. Aptitude test can be done through GMAT, mechanical aptitude test, psycho motor aptitude test, artistic aptitude test.
ii)      Achievements tests: Measuring past achievement and performance. It can be: job knowledge and work sample test.
 iii)    Intelligence test: This test measure capacity for comprehension, reasoning, number and memory. 
Personality test: It measures the following things of the candidates: 
·         Extrovert and introvert
·         Emotional stability
·         Openness to experienced
·         Conscientiousness
·         Agreeableness
Situational test: It evaluates a candidate in a similar real life situation. Candidates are asked to solve critical situation of the job.
Honesty test: several tests have been devised to access honesty polygraph and paper pencil test can examine the honesty test. Polygraph is the detector machine service. Individual answer yes/no to a list of questions in the paper pencil test.

The next and foremost important step of the selection is interview. It is face to face observation and appraisal of the candidates through the employer. It is the in-depth oral conversation. It checks candidates and judge the communication skill of the candidates.
Interview process
1)       Preparation: Advance preparation for interview by the interviews. The following preparations have to be made by the interviewers before starting and interview:
·         Review the application, job description, job specification and prepare the necessary questions based on job requirement.
·         Preparing the techniques/ methods of interview.
·         Determine the types and number of interviewers.
·         Dividing the interview marks for the evaluation
·         Finalized the physical setting including the time
2)      Conduct/actually conducting the interview
·         Brief introduction himself/herself.
·         Information exchange between candidates and interviewers about the related subjects, personality, attitude and general knowledge.
·         Responses are observed and recorded.
·         Interviewer has to guide the interview tactfully to make interviewee stay on track and fill easy.
3)      Termination: Closing interview.
·         Interview is closed by asking a final question and by thanking the candidates.
·         It depends upon the limitation of the time.
4)      Evaluation of interview results:
·         Reviewing the interview and evaluates the candidates strengths and weakness.
·         It is generally based on the observation, impression and information collected during the course of interview.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make Time For Success

Many of us claim our days are never wasted. “I’m very organized” we say “I know where I am going and what I’m going to do.” If you truly feel that way then you are in minority. Most people become frustrated with a day that is unproductive. We would all like to get more done in a day.
Time management is actually is self-management. It’s interesting that the skills we need to manage are the same skill we need to manage ourselves: the ability to plan, delegate, organize, direct and control.
There are common time wasters which need to be identified. In order for a time management process to work it is important to know what aspects of our personal management need to be improved. Below you will find some of the most frequent reasons for reducing effectiveness in the workplace. Take the one’s which are causing to be the major obstacles to your own time management. These we refer to as your “Time Stealers”.
Identifying your stealer:
·         a) Interruptions- telephone
·         b) Interruption- personal visitors
·         c) Meetings
·         d) Tasks you should have delegated
·         e) Procrastination and indecision
·         f) Acting with incomplete information
·         g) Dealing with team members
·         h) Crisis management(firefighting)
·         i) Unclear communication
·         j) Inadequate technical knowledge
·         k) Unclear objectives and Priorities
·         l) Lack of Planning
·         m) Stress and fatigue
·         n) Inability to say “No”
·         o)Desk management and personal disorganization
Fortunately there are strategies you can use to manage your time, be more in control and reduce stress, but you can analyses your time and see how you may be both the cause and the solution to your time challenges.
Below we examine time management issues in more detail:  
1.   Shifting priorities and crisis management. Management guru Peter Dracker says that “Crisis management is actually the form of management prefer by most managers”. The irony is that actions taken priority to the crisis could have prevented the fire in the first place. 
2.  The telephone. Have you ever had one of those days when you thought your true calling was in Telemarketing? The telephone – our greatest communication tool can be our biggest enemy to effectiveness if you don’t know how to control its hold over you. 
3.  Lack of Priorities/objectives. This probability the biggest/ most important time waster. It affects all we do both professionally and personally. Those who accomplish the most in a day knew exactly what they want to accomplish. Unfortunately too many of us think that goals and objectives are yearly things and not daily considerations. These results in too much time spend on the minor things and not on the things which are important to our work/lives. 
4.  Attempting too much. Many people today feel that they have to accomplish everyday yesterday and don’t give themselves enough time to do things properly. This leads only to half finish projects and no feeling of achievements. 
5. Drop in visitors. The five dead list words that rob your time are “Have you got a minute”. Everyone’s the culprit-colleagues, the boss, and your peers. Knowing how to deal with interruptions is one of the best skills you can learn.
6. Ineffective delegation. Good delegation is considered a key skill in both managers and leaders. The best managers have an ability to delegate work to staff and ensure it is done correctly. This is probably the best way of building a team’s moral and reducing your workload at the same time. The general rule is this; if one of your staff can do it 80% of it then you are probably suffering from ‘desk stresses.’ The most effective people work from clear desks. 
7.  Procrastination. The biggest thief of time; not decision making but decision avoidance. By reducing the amount of procrastinating you do you can substantially increase the amount of active time available to you?
8.  The inability to say “no!”. The general rule is; if people can dump their work or problems on to your shoulders they will do it. Some of the most stressed people around lack the skill to ‘just say no’ for fear of upsetting people. 
9.  Meetings. Studies have shown that the average manager spends about 17 hours a week in meeting and about 6 hours in the planning time and untold hours in the follow up. I recently spoke to an executive who has had in the last 3 months 250 meetings. It is widely acknowledged that about as much of a third of the time spent in meeting management and lack of planning. If you remember your goal is to increase your self-management, these are the best ways to achieve this; there are many ways we can manage our time. We have listed some strategies you can use to manage your time.
1.   Always define your objectives as clearly as possible. 
Do you find you are no doing what you want because your goals have not been set? One of the factors which mark out successful people is their ability to work out what they want to achieve and have written goals which they can review them constantly. Your long term goals should impact on your daily activities and be included on your “to do” list. Without a goal or objective people tend to just drift personally and professionally.
2.  Analyze your use of time. 
Are you spending enough time on the projects which although may not be urgent now. There are things you need to do to develop yourself or your career. If you constantly asking yourself “ what is the important use of my time, right now?” it will help you to focus in ‘important  tasks’ and stop reacting to tasks which seem urgent (or pleasant to do) but carry no importance towards your goals.
3. Have a plan. 
How can you achieve your goals without a plan? Most people know what they want but have no plan to achieve it expect by sheer hard work. Your yearly plan should be reviewed daily and reset as your achievements are met. Successful people make lists constantly. It enables them to stay on top of priorities and enable them to remain flexible to changing priorities. This should be done for both personal and business goals.
 4.  Action plan analysis. 
Problems will always occur, the value of a good plan is to identify them early and seek out solutions. Good time management enables you to measure the progress towards your goals because “what you can measure, you can control”. 
Time management (or self- management) is not a hard subjects to understand, but unless you are committed to build time management techniques into your daily routine you’ll only achieve partial (or no) results and then make comments such as “I tried time management once and it doesn’t work for me”. The lesson to learn is that the more time we spend planning our time and activities the more time we will have for those activities. By setting goals and eliminating time wasters and doing this every day you may find you will have extra time in the week to spend on those people and activities’ most important to you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Keith Rupert Murdoch Media Baron Of The World

Keith Rupert Murdoch was born on March 11, 1931 in Victoria, Australia to Keith and Elisabeth Murdoch. Murdoch family left for Britain in 1937. When his father passed away in 1952 he was still at college, in Oxford University.
Just before his death, his father, Keith invested heavily in newspaper companies. He wished his son Rupert Murdoch, to take up a career in journalism. He even appointed Rohan Rivet, a childhood friend and mentor of Rupert Murdoch as editor of The News. As destiny would have it, Rupert Murdoch was already working for a number of newspapers in a junior capacity. Weather he had great interest in journalism or not, it was noted that he was enthusiastic about speculation and making money. But unfortunately, at the time of his father’s death, the family was heavily in debt. His mother Elisabeth Murdoch had to sell many of her shares and property to repay, with only the family shares remaining in News Limited, South down Press and Barrier Miner, a newspaper at Broken Hill, New South Wales.
By force of circumstances, Rupert Murdoch had to take up the reins of family business in 1953. He became director of News limited. Very soon he developed great enthusiasm. He instilled great drive and energy in the staff which boosted the circulation, advertising revenue and reserves. Once he ensured the financial status of his company, he aimed at acquisition and part of his expansion drive, he bought a sick Sunday Newspaper in Perth, Western Australia. Soon he made it a roaring success.
In 1956, he published Australia’s first and most successful weekly television magazine “T.V Week”. He also published Australia’s oldest Women’s Magazine New Idea. The publication of these two magazines ensured a steady cash flow. Then he had embarked his business frontiers, besides acquiring suburban and provincial newspapers in Australia as well as across the globe.
In 1968 he acquired the “News of the World” a popular English Newspaper in Britain. In 1969 the daily newspaper The Sun entered the market in a tabloid format. By 2006 it sold three million copies per day. Later he added to his fleet ‘The Times’, the newspaper once owned by his father’s mentor viscount Northcliffe.
In 1986 Rupert Murdoch introduced electronic production process to his newspapers in Australia, Britain and the United States. Though there was stiff opposition to this move initially, today, most newspapers around the world are following this method.
Rupert Murdoch’s expansion in the U.S began in 1973 when he purchased the San Antonio Express- News, which was soon followed by a supermarket tabloid ‘Star’. In 1976 he purchased the New York post. In 1985, due to legal constraints in acquiring American television stations, he was forced to opt for U.S citizenship. But when (1991) his Australian- based News Crop, had faced financial crunch he had to sell his American Magazine interests. 
Even his British-based satellite Network Sky Television incurred massive losses in its early years of operation. But he was able to overcome the crunch with the help of profits from other business operations. He found a solution to this by merging with British Satellite broadcasting Corporation in 1990.The merged Company came to be known as BSKYB. In 1993, after a few initial hiccups, his Australian – based News Crop launched the Foxtel Pay Television network in Australia, in partnership with Telstra. In 1996 Rupert Murdoch entered the world of cable news with Fox News Channel, and stood as tough competitor to CNN. In 1999 Rupert Murdoch acquired the controlling share in a leading Australian Company. 
Michel Gudinski’s Mushroom records. He merged it with Festival records and called it festival Mushroom Records (FMR). 
In 1993 Rupert Murdoch acquired star T.V from a Hong Kong based Company and called it STAR TV (Asia)p and made it one of the biggest satellite TV networks in Asia. Some of the prominent channels such as Star Plus, Star News, Star world, Star Sports, channel V, Discovery, National Geographic etc. that we enjoy in India today are telecast under Star TV Network. 
In 2003 he acquired a 34 percent stake in Hughes Electronics, which operated American Satellite TV System, DirecTV, from General Motors. 
In 2004 he moved News Crop’s headquarter from Adelaide, Australia to the U.S. to facilitate the investors to buy shares in the company. This was indeed a wise move on his part as it could strengthen the financial sources of the company. In 2005 News Crop bought Intermix Media Inc. which held MySpace .com and other popular social net-working themed web sites as well as IGN Entertainment. 
Thus Keith Rupert Murdoch CEO of News Corporation-Media and Entertainment Company has grown strength to strength to become Media Baron With lot of political influence wherever he has business dealings. His contribution for the giant mammoth company The News Corporation is beyond ones reckoning. Today his business empire covers television, filmed entertainment, Cable network  programming, book publishing, direct broadcast Satellite Television, Magazines and Newspaper operating in the United States, Australia, Continental Europe , the United Kingdom, Asia and the Pacific Basin.Rupert Murdoch’s personal life is also equally ridden with ripples. He divorced twice and now is happily married to Wendi Deng, a Chinese young woman who happened to be a staff in the Star TV (Asia operations).At present Rupert Murdoch continues to push his News Corporation Company forward and making forays into the Chinese market. As of now he is out of reach for Western Media. He even showed great concern for the environmental issues. Rupert Murdoch, at the age of 76, is open to change. In May 2007, he spoke about the Crop’s energy initiative. The News Corporation, with about 47,000 employees, as he said would cut down on their energy consumption. This is part of the media mogul’s ambitious plan to tackle the problem of global warming.