Monday, March 18, 2013


Every animal has it day. It means that everyone gets opportunities now and then to do something that counts. It is just the matter of time. But when such opportunities come knocking at your door, the one thing that can make it worthless. It is the lack of confidence. If one doesn’t have belief on oneself, an opportunity cannot be any good.

Thus, it is necessary to develop and maintain self-confidence as a preparation for the time when you get the opportunity that you seek. Moreover, it is believed that a confident and self-motivated person can go on to create his own opportunities.
Here are the top ten tips that we have compiled which we believe will help you in some level.
1. Recognize your insecurities:
You should know what you think your weaknesses are what make you ashamed of yourself? You must identify and acknowledge whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior.
2. Talk about it with friends and loved ones:
Once you have identified your weakness, dare to face them. Get to the root of the problem, focus on it and understand that you need to resolve each issue before you can move on.
3. Remember that no one is perfect:
Even the more confident people have insecurities. At some point in any of our lives, we may feel we lack something.
4. Identify your successes:
Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Take pride in them and give yourself credit for your success.
5. Be thankful for what you have:
A lot of time, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether its emotional validation, good luck, money, etc. Find that inner peace will promote for your confidence.
6. Be positive even if you don’t feel the same:
Avoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others. Never allow others to make you feel inferior, they can only do so if you let them. If you continue to loathe and be little yourself, others are going to do and believe likewise.
7. Accept compliments gracefully:
Don’t roll your eyes and say “Yeah, right”, or shrug it off. Take it to the heart and respond positively (“Thank you” and smile works well)
8. Look in the mirror and smile:
Studies surrounding what’s called the “facial feedback theory” suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run.
9. Stick to your principles:
If might be tough, but if you don’t have something you can believe in, you don’t have anything you can believe in, you don’t have anything. If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. No matter what’s happened in your life, you can always lay claim to the fact that from this day forward, you have followed your principles to the best of your ability.
10. Help others:

When you know you are kind to the people around you, and are making a positive difference in other people’s life.

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