Sunday, March 17, 2013

Struggle The Never Ending Task

The word 'Struggle' sounds putting inner effort and force to achieve something that gives us satisfaction. It also means to solve and face the ups and downs of life for the better result. Throughout our life, since from the time we born and until our death, struggle is always there with us as the shadow. this is natural phenomena so we are taught by nature. For achieving even a minor thing, we need to put effort. This means we need to struggle.
Even a child in the cradle puts effort by crying to fulfill his wants from his mother or father. He struggles to get rid of hunger. Then with his growth, he struggles to speak and walk till he is admitted to school where he learns to read and write alphabets or numbers and so on. Slowly with his physical and mental maturity, he is promoted to the hiogher studies. To cross this stage, he has to struggle for sixteen to seventeen years.
His struggle will not be ended. He has to carry on fer his manhood. There he has to struggle for his fulfillment of basic needs of life and for his family. He has to fulfill his wife's and children's wants and desires. He has to struggle for this responsibilities. Then finally comes the old age where he has to struggle for his poor health till his last breath. Finally his struggle comes to an end along with his death.
This shows that life and struggle are the two sides of the same coin which is impossible without each other. Therefore, I suggest you to be hold to face the obstacles of life. I believe in facing problems and solving them rather than running away from them. It is true that external force does not matter when the inner force is within us.

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