Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why Is Snow White?

Snow is actually frozen water, and as we know, ice has no color. Then the question arises as to why snow is white. Then reason is that each snow flake is made up of a large number of ice crystals. These crystals have many surfaces. And it is the reflection of light from all these surfaces that makes snow look white.

Snow forms when water vapor in the atmosphere freezes. As the vapor freezes, clear and transparent crystals are formed. The currents are formed. The currents are formed. The currents that are in the air makes crystals go up and done in the atmosphere. As crystals do this, they begin to gather around tiny particles that are in the clouds. When a group of ice crystals is big enough, it floats down to Earth as a snowflake.

The crystals that make up a snowflake always arrange themselves in a special way. They either form six-pointed stars or thin plates shaped like a hexagon. Each branch of the six- pointed star is exactly like the others. While all the branches of snowflake are identical, no two flakes have ever been found to be exactly alike.

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